Oleћ Levčenko
Poetyčna zbirka
z paraleľnym perekladom
ukraïnśkoï na anћlijśku
"Peretynaüčy poћlädom /
Traversing With a Glance"
Žytomyr, 2002 r.
Peredmova pro movka
Sered usih Movkiv Levčenko movk nezvyčajnyj. Ћibryd vsöћo. Skupčennä zavčenoћo, zabutoћo j nedopysanoћo. Vidtak, dyvno bulo b, äk ne zrobyv vin ščoś Neue (nim.). Oś Levčenko ridnyj žovtoblakytnyj, oś vin vže i vodnočas ne vin. Vidsvičadennä (viddzerkalennä) nepevnoћo, šmat žele na okuläri mikroskopu. Ameba, z äkoï počav dilytysä svit. Kincepočatok. Zmožeš skazaty pro sebe "Ä"? Pereklady inšoü movoü j perekonajcä, ščo pomylyvsä. Ty vže (šče) ne ty. Ščo ë ty - daj vidpoviď sam. Nastupnoï myti (razom iz myttü) svit zminyťsä. I vidpoviď. Vže nepevnyj? Zbery Kaëvi kryžynky-skeľcä i sprobuj sklasty sebe. Bačyš, äk z soboü cikavo? Poћläd ë - peretynaj, doky ne peretnešsä. Ty čytač? A može, avtor? Ty svitlo čy ni? Hto ë hto? Pryëmnoћo rozbyrannä sebe na sebe.
Ћrajteś, panove!
A Foreword about the Author
Out of all poets Levchenko is a singular one. He is a hybrid of everything, a concentration of the things memorized, forgotten and unwritten. Thus, it would have been strange if he hadn't created something new. Here he is, so close and well-known, yellow and blue, here he is ... and at the same time it's not him. A reflection of the vague, a piece of jelly on the eyepiece of a microscope. An amoeba which germinated the world with its fission. The end and the beginning. Will you be able to say "I" speaking about yourself? Translate it into a different language and discover that you have been mistaken. You are no longer (not yet) your own self. Who are you? - give your own answer. In an instant (together with this instant) the world will change. And the answer will, too. You lack confidence now? Collect Kay's glassy ice-blocks (try and piece together your own self). See how much fun keeping yourself company is? There is a glance - traverse with it, until you reach an intersection. Are you a reader? Or maybe the author? Are you light or not?
Who is who?
Have fun puzzling yourself into small pieces.
Play the game, ladies and gentlemen!
* * *
Bilä konveëru plyne svidomisť,
plyne svidomisť...
Dumka spryjmaë produkt vyrobnyctva.
Dumka spryjmaë...
Ty stav čudovoü lankoü v cykli,
lankoü v cykli
bilä konveëru,
bilä konveëru...
Zmina konveëru - nova svidomisť!
Consciousness is flowing near the conveyor belt,
it is flowing...
The thought perceives the produce manufactured.
It does...
You've become an excellent link in the cycle
near the conveyor belt,
near the conveyor belt...
A change of the conveyor is a new consciousness!
* * *
Hoču vas obraduvaty:
My - zaturkani!
Let me make you happy:
We are downtrodden!
* * *
u saloni
žinka sidnyceü
prosuvaë svoü reputaciü
In the beauty parlour of a trolley-bus
A woman is promoting her reputation
with her butt.
* * *
My zaћubylyś
u koliščatkah našoћo suspiľstva.
Naši dumky vyrizaüť nas
za meži vytynanky.
My ta luska,
ščo zalyšaë po sobi vytynanka.
Dumka zabiћaë v zakapelky lüdstva
a blyźka meni lüdyna skazala,
ščo ukraïnśka mova dlä mene - idol.
We have been lost
in the tiny rotating wheels of our society.
Our thoughts are cutting us out
beyond the paper cutout.
We are the remnants of paper
which the cutout leaves behind it.
Our thought , mongrel-like, runs into the hidden corners
of humanity,
and a close friend told me
that Ukrainian was my fetish.
* * *
niby prysiv metelyk viter ћojdaë lystočok
A leaf is swaying in the wind like a butterfly in repose.
* * *
äkeś dyvne vidčuttä vidsutnosty
zabraklo dlä rozumu
zabraklo dlä ћrošej
A queer sensation of a lack
of money
intellect lacks
money lacks
Na nosi pavutynka
Na pavutynci pavučok.
Cikavo buty kymoś spijmanym!
A gossamer on my nose,
A spider on the gossamer.
It's fun to be caught!
* * *
Koly ä skuštuvav slovo -
mene rozkydalo po poeziï.
Todi ä porumav: čy ne zanadto
smilyvyj včynok?
When I felt the flavour of words -
I was scattered all over poetry.
Then I thought:
isn't it too bold a deed?
* * *
Pryroda lüdyny
zaperečuë miśkomu;
vona dumaë:
ce tymčasovo, -
kinčaüčy žyttä.
Human nature
rejects the urban;
it believes
this is temporary,
while terminating its life.
* * *
htoś vmyraë šče za Ukraïnu
a htoś davno uže ïï prodav
Someone is still dying for Ukraine's sake
and someone sold it long ago.
* * *
slova vidstoüüť pravo na ћolos
maëmo my
Thoughts are asserting their right to be voiced
we should
Ukraïna - Ä!
Ukraïna maë svoë - "ä"!
Ukraïna pyšaëťsä svoïm "ä"!
Äk ћordo buty Soboü!
Ukraine is I!
Ukraine has its own self!
Ukraine is proud of its own ego!
There is so much pride in being Yourself!
* * *
Sučasnisť mrië zaspivaty,
Zvyčajni vytrusyvšy kvity
Z doloń pryvitnoï planety
V äskrave nebo u bloknoti.
Povze pryrodnisť, nače more,
U nezvorušni času hmary.
Vkusylo sonce syń u ћrona
Vusta zvorušyvšy baћräni.
Modernity is dreaming of singing a song,
Having showered some flowers
From the palms of a friendly planet
Into the clear sky in the notebook.
Naturalness is creeping like the sea
Into the steadfast clouds of time.
The sun has bitten the blue expanse in its clusters
And crimson lips feel touched.
* * *
Ne buty shožym na koћoś,
ne buty shožym na sebe -
tvoä poeziä,
Not to resemble anyone,
not to resemble oneself -
is this your poetry,
* * *
Ty kolyś podyvyvsä u kalüžu
i pišov ћeť.
A dlä neï, ty tak i zalyšyvsä stoäty
prosto neba.
Once you looked into a puddle
and went away.
And for it, you remained standing
against the sky.
* * *
kriź panoramu vikna
zamordovani seksom
A trolley-bus
through the panorama of a window
tortured with sex
a poster
a movie theatre
* * *
My šče ne zaћubyly moraľ,
hoča deformuëmoś zzovni.
Usi hotily b čynyty ščoś biľše
niž dovodyťsä robyty zaraz.
My äk kaliky,
i do nas stavläťsä zi spivčuttäm...
Nam soromno za nas i ћydko za...
Hoč kaliky, ale ne menš povnocinni!
My zbyraëmo kopijky
i proryvaëmo kvytočky...
We haven't lost our morals yet,
though we are being deformed on the outside.
Everyone would like to do something grander
than what they have to do now.
We are like cripples,
and we are being treated with sympathy...
We feel ashamed of ourselves and disgusted too...
Though cripples are no less significant!
We are collecting small change
and punching tickets...
* * *
Načebto zvyčajno,
ščo ty
zvernuv uvaћu na svit
i ne zvertaëš uvaћy na sebe,
a ty
zvernuv uvaћu na sebe
i ne zvertaëš uvaћy na svit.
De vy?
It seems quite natural
that you
paid attention to the world
without paying attention to yourself,
but you
paid attention to yourself
without paying attention to the world.
Where are you?
* * *
U slovi BOЋ ë vybuh!
There's an explosion in the word "God"!
* * *
U cömu sviti ty zћubyv klüča.
Marudna sprava: vynajty klüča
U snopi svitu,
Vrahovuüčy te, ščo j sam u nömu.
Dolaty svit - zdijsnyty mriü -
To lipše pidpalyty svit! (?)
Sebe ta mriü z popelu distaty...
Ščob vrešti dveri odčynyty na podvir'ä.
You've lost a key in this world.
It's a tedious task trying to find the key
In the world's sheaf,
Considering that you are inside it.
Surmounting the world - making your dream come true -
Isn't it better to set the world on fire! (?)
Finding yourself and your dream in the ashes...
To finally open the door onto the yard.
* * *
Može, svit - ce ë Meta?
Lyš - čyä?
Ïï suť -
Ce nepomitne povsäkdennä?
Čy slipoћo času plyn?
Ščo zapovnüëmo my
V neosäžnu nam Metu?
Dumka praћne, vyryvaëťsä
Z prostoru svoћo času.
Potim nyšporyť,
Ne znahodäcy ničoћo -
V obijmah labiryntu.
My za mežamy.
My obmeženi.
Hto ë - my,
Koly žyttä - ë žläh Mety?
What if the world is the Aim?
But whose?
Is its essence
Just inconspicuous everyday routine?
Or the passing away of blind time?
What do we fill in
the boundless Aim with?
Our thought strives forward and breaks loose
From the space of its time.
Then it scours around
To find nothing -
And stay
Within the bounds of the maze.
We are beyond the limits.
We are limited.
Who are we,
If life is the Aim's way?
* * *
My dyvymoś na vlasnu virtuaľnisť
Kvadratom svit piznaüčy.
Malevyč vynajšov TV!
My dyvymoś na vlasnu virtuaľnisť,
Pravdyvu zemnu virtuaľnisť,
Ščo nadaë duhovnu smerť.
My dyvymoś na te, ščo nam podoba.
We are looking at our own virtuality
Discovering the world through a square.
Malevich invented television!
We are looking at our own virtuality,
Real earthly virtuality,
Which gives us spiritual death.
We are looking at what we like.
* * *
Po pryrodi svoïj
My usi z tyh kraïn,
De usi zakohalyś u sebe.
Dzerkala v dzerkalah
Zustričaüť lüdej,
Nebesa, blyznükiv-hmaročosiv...
Ty boïšsä, ščo bosyj?
From birth and in the nature of things
All of us come from those countries
Where everyone is in love with themselves.
Mirrors within mirrors
Meet people,
the skies, twin skyscrapers...
Are you afraid of being barefoot?
* * *
Ä - med,
mene zbyraüť bdžoly
j pomalu smokčuť trutni.
I am honey,
gathered by bees
and slowly sucked by drones.
* * *
Ne natyskaj na biľ!
Ce ne knopka
uvimknennä svitla.
Don't push the pain!
It's not a switch
to turn on the light.
* * *
poet i narod.
prorok ne poet!
narod ë prorok,
de pysar - poet!
the poet and the nation.
a prophet is not a poet!
the nation is a prophet,
if a scribe is a poet!
* * *
Pociluj v usta -
začny lübov!
Kiss her on the lips -
conceive love!
* * *
Ne kryčy!
Sluhaj serce
... ... ...
Don't scream!
Listen to your heart
... ... ...
* * *
Nad mistom samotnä zirka.
Urbanistyčna vdača.
* * *
There's a lonely star above the city.
Urban disposition.
* * *
Ne zabuď z poeziï zlipyty ћlečyk!
Don't forget to shape your poetry into an earthenware jar!
* * *
Namalüü tryzub nad toboü:
Koronuü tebe,
I'll draw a trident over you:
I crown you,
Ukrainian girl.
* * *
Oberežno, pracüëmo z ideämy!
Care should be taken, we work with ideas!
* * *
Jdučy povz Myhajlivśku cerkvu -
zapah kadyla:
narodžennä ta smerty,
Going past St. Michael's Church -
the smell of incense:
of birth and death,
of the eternal!
1998 - 2001
Peredmova pro movka (strongovśkyj)
"Bilä konveëru plyne svidomisť..."
"Hoču vas obraduvaty..."
"u saloni..."
"My zaћubylyś..."
"niby prysiv metelyk viter ћojdaë lystočok"
"äkeś dyvne vidčuttä vidsutnosty..."
Babyne lito
"Koly ä skuśtuvav slovo..."
"Pryroda lüdyny..."
"htoś vmyraë šče za Ukraïnu..."
"slova vidstoüüť pravo na ћolos..."
Nacionaľna ideä
"Sučasnisť mrië zaspivaty..."
"Ne buty shožym na koћoś..."
"Ty kolyś podyvyvsä u kalüžu..."
"My šče ne zaћubyly moraľ..."
"Načebto zvyčajno..."
"U slovi BOЋ ë vybuh!"
"U cömu sviti ty zћubyv klüča..."
"Može svit - ce ë Meta?.."
"My dyvymoś na vlasnu virtuaľnisť..."
"Po pryrodi svoïj..."
"Ä - med..."
"Ne natyskaj na biľ..."
"poet i narod..."
"Pociluj v usta..."
"Ne kryčy!.."
"Nad mistom samotnä zirka..."
"... / Ћlyna..."
"Namalüü tryzub nad toboü..."
"Oberežno, pracüëmo z ideämy!.."
"Jdučy povz Myhajlivśku cerkvu..."
A foreword about the author, strongovski
"Consciousness is flowing near the conveyor belt..."
"Let me make you happy..."
"In the beauty parlour of a trolley-bus..."
"We have been lost..."
"A leaf is swaying in the wind like a butterfly in repose..."
"A queer sensation of a lack..."
Indian summer
"When I felt the flavour of words..."
"Human nature..."
"Someone is still dying for Ukraine's sake..."
"Thoughts are asserting their right to be voiced..."
The national idea
"Modernity is dreaming of singing a song..."
"Not to resemble anyone..."
"Once you looked into a puddle..."
"A trolley-bus..."
"We haven't lost our morals yet..."
"It seems quite natural..."
"There's an explosion in the word "God"!"
"You've lost a key in this world..."
"What if the world is the Aim?.."
"We are looking at our own virtuality..."
"From birth and in the nature of things..."
"I am honey..."
"Don't push the pain!.."
"the poet and the nation..."
"Kiss her on the lips..."
"Don't scream!.."
"There's a lonely star above the city..."
"... / Cley..."
"I'll draw a trident over you..."
"Care should be taken, we work with ideas!.."
"Going past St. Michael's Church..."
Levčenko Oleh
Peretynaüčy poћlädom
Levchenko Oleh
Traversing with a Glance
Pereklad anћlijśkoü z ukraïnśkoï
Oksany Kavun
Translated into English
by Osana Kavun
Transliteraciä ukraïnśkoћo tekstu:
15 lütoћo 2020 r.
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